dhtmlxTreeGrid is a cross-browser JavaScript component that combines editable table and tree view. It represents both hierarchical and tabular data and allows client-side data entry and editing.
Ajax support and rich JavaScript API brings great flexibility to the treegrid allowing you to create customizable dynamic tables with expandable rows.
dhtmlxTreeGrid supports data sorting, column resizing, drag-and-drop and different cell types.
Key features:
Dynamic loading of levels
Drag-n-drop as child/sibling
Split mode support
Vertical mathematical summation
Tree specific script API
Tree specific sorting
Tree specific rows coloring
Tree specific Smart Rendering
Tree specific Paging
Common Features for Grid
and TreeGrid:
Full control with JavaScript API
Simple JavaScript or XML configuration
Integration with HTML Form
Easy styling with CSS or predefined skins
Serialization to XML/SCV
Loading from XML
Working with clipboard
Easy client-to-server comunication
Resizable/movable columns
Drag-and-drop rows/columns within grid
Drag-and-drop in/from dhtmlxTree Pro
Ability to create any editor or cell formating
(using Excell - eXtended cell object)
Combobox, calendar, and more predefined eXcells
Math Formulas for cells/Autocalculated values
Invisible data blocks for rows/entire grid (userdata)
Client-side sorting (string, integer, date, custom)
Server-side sorting ready
Wide range of event handlers
Detailed documentation